28 April 2004

Damn straight I can--bring on the meaningless sex :) Though admittedly, I'm getting up a bit long in the tooth for that sort of thing. I lost my best relationship over "sowing my wild oats"... for years, I regretted that decision. But when it finally paid off, I realized I'd made the right choice. Women are yummy and delicious and I felt compelled to try the sampler platter. Don't get me wrong, though--there is no sex better than love making... so there's a definite trade off. Like I've said before, if I'm taken, she's the one for me. If I'm free, all bets are off.

Besides, what fun would it be if men and women thought the same about sex? Personally, I think that many women have a certain kind of guy with which they don't mind so much the sex for sex's sake, but that's just a guess on my part.

You're definitely right about the repressed part, Kate--all it takes is a visit to some other countries to see how true that is.

As for the men willing to have The Talk... I would definitely agree that MOST men aren't into "where is this relationship going?", and of those men, most of them that are resistant to it are younger. But some of us actually do care where our relationship is going, and care enough about our women to let them know how we feel about them. I once made the mistake of not letting someone know how I felt. I'll be damned if I do it again.
I don't think lifting an ass is necessary. I have yet to find a woman who couldn't find a sex partner, if that's all she wanted. There are some who don't look and complain there is no one out there, but with the sexualized (and yet remarkably repressed) social culture of which we are part, finding just sex doesn't generally seem to be a problem. And that's enough for a lot of people -- they have apparently separated sex from attachment and get their emotional needs filled by other sources.

I've personally never been able to do that, and I know Susan can't. The boys both say they can. In some ways, it would be nice to have that division -- it would mean getting it on a little more often. But then again, sex for the sake of sex is more easily and safely done by one's self. Sex for one isn't as much fun, but at least you know what turns you on, and in general, the guy you picked up that night for some fun doesn't. If I'm going to get naked with someone -- not just sex, but get naked -- I want to know him well enough to know if I like him.

27 April 2004

Ja, I'm not hearing World War III started here. Das ist gut.

Um, I'm not going to check or correct your MP quotes. I don't know them that well. I have a few friends who do -- in fact, I know of a 3.5 year relationship which started because of the dead Python boy (He's gone to be with Graham) and I really think the Flying Circus is the glue that keeps them together, but that's not me. I'm just generally amused.

You're right about the comments. They do appear now.

Interesting way of putting it, Jenn (comment 2). What I've discovered is that some men ARE willing to discuss the relationship and how they feel about you, but only when it isn't posited that way. I don't know anyone, boy or girl, who likes The Relationship Talk. Occasionally, for sanity's (overrated sake) one or both parties need to do a little State Of kind of discussion, but yeah, it's not usually the beginning of the relationship. Or not pre-the-beginning.

Despite other appropriate Gen-X tendencies (mainly a belief in the liberation of women) I think Susan would have done well in Victorian times, when learning how to wave your fan, drop your hanky, and leave your calling card all sent signals which could be interpreted by others. There were rules and ways of doing things and, supposedly, less ambiguity. But then again, women were to grow up, get enough education to amuse their husbands and their friends, and marry and produce. Whether they did it or not, there was an expected path, complete with road map. My how things have changed.

26 April 2004

...and before someone jumps all over me, I just realized that it's actually "I didn't expect a kind of Spanish Inquisiton"...

Good lord woman, yes you did misquote it, but only barely... the correct start, of course, is "I didn't expect the sort of Spanish Inquistion". I was just doing the expected response, not correcting you.

As far as the comments, here they are:

Jenn's first comment, that started this whole mess:

You sound crazy. He doesn't want you. Get over him.

Jenn's second comment, in response to Susan:

Of course I'll respond. I've learned that men detest talking about "how they feel about you" even 2, 3, 10 years into relationships. So for you to spring some "I love you deeply, let's talk about us" kind of stuff on him when you haven't even kissed him, much less had anything remotely resembling a "relationship," with this guy, is crazy. Of course he bolted. Of course he's reluctant to get involved with you. And of course he tells you nice things because he doesn't want to make you even crazier. The venting you do here on your blog would be nothing compared to the shit he'd have to hear for the next lifetime. He does have to work with you. So quit acting like the spoiled princess who was denied her treat, get on with it, and maybe he'll want to be around you and buy you ice cream again.

There you go. Although they came straight up for me this time, so maybe they're working for you now. Doesn't seem like there's been any follow up, so maybe the issue can be laid to rest. Although something tells me that having posted the comments, I might have started Round Two...
Nope, still can't find/read the comments. Shit, if people are going to rant, I want to know what the hell it's about!

Oh, and SUE me for misquoting the Python boys. I have their freaking page-a-day calendar (a gift, and a nice one), but I don't remember quotes exactly. Good grief.

Where does all the time go? Where did April go? I have a board meeting on Friday morning and a conference, at which I must present, on Saturday. Grrrr, argh. Too many things going on, frankly, and not enough time.

24 April 2004

Oh yeah, and one more thing...

I doubt it's the computer you're on--I also couldn't read the comments. Try clicking on the part that says "check master server comments" or the like near the bottom of the window, then scroll up.

Kate, there would be no need for an apology as it wasn't exactly your fault. And by not exactly your fault, I mean it was totally my fault, and I learned a good life's lesson from it. 'Nuff said.

Okay, this totally sucks. I can't, on the computer I'm on, read the comments. Argh. But I get the gist of them all.

1. Jenn, you don't know Susan (and vice versa). For the record, yeah, I'd say she's a little crazy. We all have our emotional Achilles' heel. Hers is the perfect boy.

2. Susan, calm the fuck down. I have NO idea what Jenn said (see above), but just as you are entitled to your feelings and opinions, so is she. Maybe what she said (I gather it was more or less "get over it and move on, he doesn't want you) is a truth you aren't ready to handle quite yet -- maybe it was premature for your timeline. But Mike has said NO to a relationship, and whatever his reasons, his decision stands. He's so most definitely NOT perfect. Deal with his decision, deal with your anger and your hurt, do NOT take it out on any inanimate building parts unless you want to become overly friendly with your health insurance company, and eventually, yes, move on.

Mark, I would apologize for the wall, but then again, I didn't even know about it until months and months later. At this point, I have to say I wouldn't change a thing, but I admit to a little curiosity about the different paths that were available at that time. But then again, No one Expects the Spanish Inquisition, either....
New theme song for Susan: Liz Phair's "Extraordinary" (new album). Play it loud and until it makes perfect 100% sense.

23 April 2004

FUCK IT. You're all grounded. *ALL* of you. Susan, Jenn, (and even Kate and Daniel for no reason).

All kidding aside... I love being put in potential situations to choose sides when there really is no call for it. This issue is a non-issue as far as I can tell. Jenn can certainly fight her own battles, should she choose to or not (although I find it somewhat ironic that she, like you, Susan, has a penchant to speak her mind directly). There are a few things I want to point out here, I'm going to have to do them in no particular order:

-- This is a web log. It is open to the INTERNET. That means that anyone that stumbles onto it, could read it. Anyone that reads it, could comment on it. Those comments, in turn, may or may NOT be uplifiting. In fact, I'm surprised we haven't suffered from the rampant insulting that goes on on other sites.

-- That wasn't much of a comment to rate the fiery response, if you ask me. It's not like she called you a psycho bitch. You had me thinking she'd insulted your mother or something. The only possible part of that that was even remotely insulting was the part about you sounding crazy... and that's a stretch. As for the "he doesn't want you"... that's her opinion, which certainly doesn't make it fact. If you aren't comfortable with your own position with regard to Mike in your own mind to know how valid or not a statement like that is, then I can't help you. Now by the same token, she has to pretty much live with your response, since that's your opinion. Personally, I happen to think that perhaps you let your emotions (in this case, great anger at Mike and your situation that could've been but wasn't) speak for you in that case, and that at another time, you might not have reacted the way you did.

-- Now then, since Jenn found her way here only because of me, and I am merely an invited guest myself, I shall apologize in her stead for perhaps being a mite insensitive. I am certain no malice was intended by the comment. If anything, she was probably trying to look out for you, believe it or not.

-- I'm going to have almost completely agree with what Kate had to say on the subject. Susan, you and I already talked about the difference between fantasy and reality and that most of the time, things never work out the way you imagine they will. Although, looking at the entries, I guess I'm missing what exactly he did between Tuesday and Thursday, or if the whole of it finally hit you a couple days later. Either way, I am sad for you that it didn't work out, but life goes on, and it is quite likely you will end up in a much better situation.

-- So go ahead, Susan, be PISSED. I would be, too--but then again, I learned first "hand" (those of you that know what I'm talking about will pardon the pun) that anger can be detrimental to your health. Unleash the FUCK YOUs. Then get over it, and get back in the saddle. I suppose you could just come to the conclusion that Mike was as good as it gets for you and simply not go on with life, but come on...

Anyway, I think any possible confrontation between you two kids is simply silly. I would say Jenn will probably elect to not comment any further on this whole thing, but I'd be lying if I didn't say there's a chance she just might respond to your response. I want a clean fight, though, so touch gloves and come out boxing :)

Kate, I was amazed to see what sorts of petitions are out there as well. There's basically a petition to save (or bring to DVD) any show that was ever aired once on TV. That's just the beginning, too. It just goes to show you that there are so many people in the world, there's at least one person interested in anything, no matter how silly it seems... more screen time for Cyclops, indeed... like ANYONE wants THAT. People should get behind real issues such as the development of Fallout 3 or the brutal death of Jar-Jar Binks in Episode III.

22 April 2004

Yeah, still reading. I've been busy and/or traveling a lot lately. Too much stuff going on. And today I just found out that one of the programs I work with may or may not legally exist. A gutting of certain state laws may have gutted the program, too, purposely or not. I'm really so sorry that you didn't go into law, Susan. You too had the opportunity to be scum of the earth. Oh, wait, no, that's politicians. Lawyers just shovel the shit into neater piles when the legislature is through.

As for Mike, um, basically, you say “fuck you” and move on. You don’t know Mike well enough to be positive that you are perfect for him or that he is perfect for you. That’s the bullshit in your head making up stories about things that can never be. Of course you are the perfect couple – because you aren’t a couple. It’s easy for things to be perfect in the realm of fantasy non-being. It's not fair of him to dismiss your marriage worthiness without even dating you, especially after he says that he is attracted to you physically and emotionally, but that's his call. HIS CHOICE. Whether you agree or not has no bearing on the situation, really.

That being said, yep. Mike’s reasons are mostly groundless, except for the very valid, extremely rational “don’t date people you work with” rule, which is a really really really good one – ESPECIALLY for the two of you who have both taken career detours over past relationships. And it isn’t as easily solved as just not working together. You have valid reasons for staying at your precinct, and I’m sure he does too. Changing that (another, preemptive career detour) may work if domestic bliss is your ultimate goal in life, but as you have other, concurrent aspirations, you need to, as hard as it may be, find balance. If you put all your eggs in one basket, if that basket isn’t perfect, you have no other place to seek happiness.

You’ve given me a good deal of grief over the years about my cold-hearted way of choosing my life, my career, my educational goals, over love or affairs of the heart. It boils down to lessons I learned in my first relationship – you remember, the one where I dumped him and he called me a lesbian?? Anyway, I made life decisions based mostly on a desire to be close to him. I chose my college based on its proximity to his. And the relationship failed. What I didn’t take into account was that I was so young that every life change would be a major change within me. It’s slowing down a little now, but I am still negotiating what is most important to me. The day I accepted this job, which in most part I love, I ended, though not officially, the relationship I was in. It lasted another 7 months, but not very well. There’s that confusing line between working at a relationship and scrambling desperately to keep it alive or intact. Work is necessary, and sometimes hard work is necessary, but how much is too much? I don’t know. I think what I've tried to do is actively NOT create a situation in which I end up resenting someone else because I've made concessions I think are unfair. When I moved out here, I got asked what my s.o. thought of that. No one asked him what I thought when he moved to the East coast! (Well, except his mother). Why should I be the one who has to change my plans, goals, and career, not him? In this case, the agreement we had was that neither one of us would pass up a good job opportunity at this stage (i.e. just out of school) to move where the other one found a job. Resentment would have been created. It was anyway, in the long run, but that's another story.

It’s funny that Mark said it doesn’t take effort to get to know people. I don’t find writing the blog difficult, per se, but it makes me think about things and process them and respond to them, and through that, I produce some nonsensical words that allow you (or whomever is reading) some insight into my head. And same with all your posts. You have to offer, and through the responses, you receive gifts of other peoples thoughts. It's a mutual sharing, of sorts.

Oh, check this out: www.petitionthem.com. It is absolutely AMAZING what people will petition for (like more screen time for Cyclops in X3???)

19 April 2004

Hmmph. I'm not looking for people to know me totally, that is typically reserved for close friends (see last post) and s.o.'s. All I'm looking for is what you just said...

I try not to turn off when people have interests that aren?t mine. I will even attempt to experience things I?m not interested in for the sake of understanding friends.

I understand I'm in the clear minority in feeling that way (with you that makes two, plus my sisters makes four... anyone else want to buy in on this?), but is it REALLY the case that no one else gets this rather simple concept? Does this just not occur to them? For some reason, I just find that hard to imagine.

For the purposes of this discussion, boyfriends/girlfriends don't count, and neither do close friends. I would certainly hope this wouldn't be an issue in a relationship. I also disagree with you in that it does NOT take that much effort to get to know someone. Time, certainly. Caring, it helps. But we're getting to know each other right now, just by writing and reading thoughts in this blog. For example, I couldn't tell you the first thing about Morrissey, couldn't name a single song if my life depended on it. But I know you and Susan seem to love the guy. I know that Daniel likes to spend a lot of time working in and around his house, and I've never even met him. Working around the house isn't something I'm totally into, but I could certainly stand to pick up tidbits here and there for when I have to do similar work. I don't typically much go for country or the great outdoors, but I had a nice time visiting some old friends who recently moved just outside of Macon... even had to deal with some folks with some old-fashioned thinking, but it was all good. I didn't much care for a cemetary as an idea for a first date, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I had a good time. I have millions of examples. I guess I just don't see a really good excuse for closed-minded thinking of that sort, and you all know how touchy I am about games and all things geek related.

I still think the greatest compliments I was ever paid was in my high school locker room, when one of my football teammates found out about my GPA (it was 3.8 at the time, probably the highest that team has seen in a long while)... he said he always thought I was a dumb jock like him [and the rest of the team]...

This is not a new concept to me. I have known this for a long time, and typically don't even bother worrying too much about it. I just felt like ranting, though, in absence of another topic.

MP– it’s that inability of the general public to embrace the totality of a person that drives us into our private lives. I don’t know that this is a horrible thing. I know that I personally cannot take the totality of my coworkers and the people I run into downtown. But some of them are friends, and in that venue, I can get to know things about them that are deeper than the surface. I try not to turn off when people have interests that aren’t mine. I will even attempt to experience things I’m not interested in for the sake of understanding friends. I think that we have a tendency to pigeonhole people we don't know well simply in a misguided effort to simplify and understand the world around us. Like with everything else in life, you get more out of relationships if you put more into them. It takes time, effort, and caring to get to know and understand a person. Hey, at least people think you're intelligent, and that's why they question your wrestling fan status. It's making assumptions about wrestling, more than about you.

My current s.o. is into things I will never enjoy – motorcycles, hunting, fishing, and really bad television. In the same respect, he doesn’t enjoy home redesign shows, VH1 countdown lists (even I don’t know why I watch this shit), sci-fi novels, or, really, buildings. But he’s been on architectural tours by me, and I’ve been to a motorcycle show (just once – I think he’ll have to drool alone next time). I like to read books on Soviet history and prisons (the current two, along with Ned Kelly, the Irish-Austrailian outlaw). He is a fanatic about those crazy “I climbed the mountain and it almost killed me, but didn’t” books. But it does mean we have more to talk about.

I used to have a problem with the fact that different people seemed to want or expect different parts of me. In high school, it made me feel divorced from myself. Now I don’t care. I do sometimes alienate people, but it is unintentional, and if you choose not to get to know who I am, that’s your problem. Different traits of my personality become dominant in different situations, but it doesn’t change who I am at the core. And I think I’m finally okay with that more than 80% of the time.
I see by the comment that someone appreciates good bad sci-fi... thanks sis :)

So since the blog seems to have dried up a bit, and we can't always rely on Susan's love troubles to keep us going, I'll take the initiative and try to stir up some trouble.

In keeping with my last post about what I did on my Spring Vacation, I got the strangest looks from people when I told them about one thing in particular that I did while away in ATL. There really is no other way to put it, I "geeked out" for the first time in a long time. I watched over 25 episodes of Buck Rogers, a show I used to love when I was a kid. It's even more funny now, looking back at the crazy outfits they made those poor women wear... I especially enjoyed seeing pre-Night Court Markie Post as a space bar floozy and Jamie Lee Curtis as the space villain's jailed ex-girlfriend... and did I mention Buck Rogers could literally kick anyone's arse? That guy has the deadliest feet I've ever seen. Also, no door control is safe when he's around. He nearly averages one shot out door control per episode. You'd think they'd learn. Now, in geeking out, I didn't just stop there. I also played my first Doom II deathmatch in about eight years. Also spend half a night playing multiplayer System Shock 2, and thinking I should have gotten a few friends and played through the whole thing like that.

Now I imagine most people started tuning out at the mere mention of "geeking out", and half of the rest didn't make it past the first mention of Buck Rogers. I have always struggled with not exactly fitting any standard description, and my interests are many and varied. I can play the athlete, I can play the prim and proper, and I can certainly play the geek/gamer. I've spent the last five years of my life doing the standard issue bachelor thing, going out, partying... stuff I've never really done before... and do you know what? I've had a lot of fun. Do I miss the geek life from GT? You bet your arse I do. The older I get, the harder it is to tell which part of my life has been the best so far. Right now, I'd probably say it's the post-GT experience of being my own man and paying my own way and doing what I want to do. But there were good things about being in a serious relationship. There were good things about hanging out in the dorm playing Diablo or playing intramural Ultimate. There were good things about playing rec league soccer here a couple years back. There were good things about being able to devote whole summers to video games. There were good things about traveling everywhere. I could go on for days...

I guess bottom line, it pisses me off that sometimes I feel like I have to hide parts of my personality from people. It's all good until I mention I love video games, or like science fiction... of course, it doesn't stop there, either... sometimes it's things about race, sometimes it's just an intellectual issue ("how can such an intelligent guy like professional wrestling?"). It's truly sad that most people don't get out and experience the many things life has to offer, because there's something cool about 90% of the stuff out there. Thank God Almighty I met Jenn and Lynn so early in my life... I couldn't have asked for better, more open-minded friends to grow up with.

Pinkston out.

15 April 2004

Hmmmm... on one hand, you can't give up on your passion, no matter what. On the other hand, you can't go 125mph in a school zone ALL the time. Balance is the key. As cliche as it is, there is a time and a place for everything. And if there's one thing I know for sure, it's that you can second-guess yourself to death, ESPECIALLY when it comes to matters of the heart. One of the most helpful realizations I've come to in life is that you simply can not make someone divulge information if they do not wish to do so, Kate is most definitely right about that. Give it time, and meanwhile, don't work yourself up into a frenzy, because you'll most likely assume something that is totally wrong about the situation and turn something that wasn't a problem before into a problem. With any luck, the issue has already been resolved even as I type this. If not, I *am* still in town for another day... and ready to dispense white hot (err, okay BLACK hot) vengeance if need be...

And now for something completely different... this is what I spent most of my vacation doing (watching, rather)... it has aged quite well over the years, if perhaps the actors have not...
Look, your problem is not being passionate and feeling things. Your problem is in being impulsive. Understand several things:
1) Not everyone feels the need to talk out every nuance of emotion. Some people are in fact a little put off by it. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be able to pour out everything to a good friend or your s.o., but it does mean that when near-strangers or people you don’t know that well don’t respond favorably, you shouldn’t overreact. If Mike’s not acting weird with you but hasn’t broached the letter topic, don’t push it. Either he has accepted your outpouring of thoughts and is grokking it, without feeling the need for further discussion, or he is still processing and will bring it up when he gets to it. Try to think of it this way – you were too insecure in the relationship to approach him to talk about it, so why do you expect him to be willing to charge right into the conversation? That’s not fair.

2) People make “rules” and express them to others because they want or need the boundaries. Even if you disagree with the rule, you must respect it because in doing so, you respect the other person and his feelings, desires, and needs. Whether you agree with it or not doesn’t matter. You are free to express your disagreement and arguments against the rule, but don’t harp on it or whine, because it is disrespectful. And in this case, the rule makes sense for both of you and you know it – as evidenced by the bitchy comment. It’s not like the boy don’t have a point or nothing. (Does a triple negative mean “no?”)

3) 98% of people take longer to open up their hearts and minds than you do. If you can’t be patient, and you force the issue, you will usually drive people away. Try to remember back in college. Do you remember how successful you were at getting me to tell you something I wasn’t ready to share yet? Even you keep things back sometimes, until you’ve processed them – like the letter story. You can’t force someone to open up about his or her feelings. Not while maintaining any sort of trust.

4) And in summary: Patience is a virtue. Or to quote – actually, I don’t know who, but I remember the Phil Collins cover: “You can’t hurry love. No, you’ll just have to wait. She said ‘love don’t come easy, it’s a game of give and take.’”

On the plus side, I had my day in court regarding the parking tickets I’d petition the court to waive, which they neglected to do, and then sent the notice to pay or appear in court to the wrong name and address, and then issued a bench warrant to the same incorrect name and address. I watched about 10 boys, aged 18-20, plead guilty to M.I.P. charges – including the last kid who pled guilty, but when asked by the judge if he had alcohol, said no. Then he said he’d been drinking. Whatever. I could tell the judge didn’t know whether to laugh or slap him. Municipal court is extremely boring. But I got my $60 bond back and the tickets waived. Go me. (Whole problem boiled down to multiple clerical errors. Dumbasses.)

Oh, and you can tell Jeff the Shrink that he's right. I end up dating guys pretty much like you, and you end up dating guys pretty much like me. My theory: our personalities balanced out enough to make us a relatively sane single person. So you seen your balance. Asian yin and yang philosophy? Maybe??

13 April 2004

Everyone does go visit my momma. Can't call her "Momma," but it's true. She does pretty much like everyone. Rose-colored glasses are all made in her size.

I hate ATL and have since 1985 when we moved there and I was in the third grade. In general, I found the social culture abhorrent. It taught me many things -- such as how to fake my way through a social situation -- but I wouldn't re-engage without peril to my life, self, and soul. I have friends there, made friends there, and had a generally great time in college. Those are great nostalgia days. But I shan't even attempt to step in that river twice.

Susan, you and my mom basically discussed my entire love life? Why is that totally creeping me out? Did you ever give her the tally of guys we've both made out with? (Yeah, I know, but it isn't like we were really sharing them or anything kinky like that.) Why didn't I get to hear any of the good gossip on the phone? I got the whole hair story (and you could tell it shorter -- you did in the blog!) You and my mom aren't like pinky-swearing secrecy now, are you? Ewww.

We'll see how the big bash goes. I'm not all that worried -- as has been said, my mom likes people, and people generally like her. The S.O. likes to eat and she likes to feed, so they have the potential for a perfect relationship.

As for the music thing, I know that music speaks to the soul and speaks emotions like merely words never can. But the damn Robert Ford/Bjorn bullet ruined the melodic piano of Elton for me for YEARS. There is always such a thing as beating a dead horse (or beating melodramatic, melancholy lyrics into the poor unsuspecting and innocent ears of your roommate -- who has to live with the music AND the melodrama!)

Mark, I had forgotten the wine tasting. It was a damn good thing I wasn't driving that day!

12 April 2004

Naw, Kate--I was just messin'... figured it be funny to make it sound like everyone and their brother was going to visit your mama without you there :)

What's so bad about the A to the T to the L? I had a great time here... in fact, it was very difficult to leave... took the sunny, warm, loving embrace of my Central Florida roots to pull me away when the time came... I may still end up back here eventually. It definitely has better food than Tampa (which ain't saying much), more stuff to do, pretty much more everything, minus the beach (big minus, tho).

I can never get used to calling adults (people that were adults when I was a kid) by their first name, I don't care how old I get. If you were a Mr. or Mrs. Whatever to me, that's the only way I can address you, or not at all.

Why, yes, I have met Kate's mom... the three of us had a lovely time wine-tasting and scoping out PCH property in Oregon... that was my first time seeing the Pacific Ocean... okay, fine, it's a big body of water just like the Atlantic and Gulf... but it was still cool to come over a sand dune and see it for the first time...

Alright, Susan... let's have Mushy Factor Nine... engage... when I see you, I pretty much expect you to either have stars in your eyes or have them heart-shaped, with little hearts floating up from your head... I'll do all my eye-rolling and vomiting now, in preparation... Kate, if I don't come back, say goodbye to my TV and game consoles for me... :)
As Susan knows, my mom loves having people to feed. She'd take you in for a meal. Of course, you would have to promise not to inflict the Spice Girls on her. Susan used to do that to me. Evil comes in many forms.

Why don't you just ask me? I do know him better than Susan -- biblically, even. Speaking of which, go check out www.jesus21.com. I haven't seen the whole site -- only a few pages sent by a friend, but I was promised nude bible camp somewhere on there.

Enjoy the city bereft of any reality. Gods above and below, I do NOT miss Atlanta!
Welcome to Atlanta, where the players play... this week blog entries from yours truly (assuming I do more than this one) will come to you from the ATL. I spent the drive up playing old tunes from my GT years... you know, frightening stuff like the Spice Girls and White Towne... man, I listened to some gay stuff back then... anyway, figured I might as well visit Kate's mom and get the skinny on her boyfriend... no, wait--that's Susan... I guess I'll visit Susan and get the scoop from her :) Anyhoo, let the real vacation begin...
You do have some sort of ironclad contract that this guy will pay you something, right? I mean, if he doesn't like what you do, and you've spent hours on it, aren't you out money and time, instead of rolling in the free dough? Sorry to be the downer voice on that job, but you've told me more about this dude on the phone than the blog records, and he's either a redneck (with all the derrogatory comments that implies) or just a jerk. I don't trust him. But then, in that respect, Duchovny's character on X-Files and I would get along. "Trust no one!" I really did hate that show.

Fiction is always smoother than real life. We don't have script writers or personal assistants (well, most of us don't have the latter). Is it just wrong to quote the Carpenters? Ever? Well, it's better than Air Supply, I guess.

Yeah, I'm just going to sign off now. I'm still interested in my mom's relationship with Susan, but there's nothing on that here. I am cranky this morning. I have more things on my desk than I can possibly get done, so I'm blogging instead. That, and the phone won't freaking stop ringing. It's crackpot day, apparently.

08 April 2004

Ah, love is in the air... must be spring again... way to go, Susan! Gotta reach out and grab what you want sometimes...

07 April 2004

Yeah, the power of the viewer. Yeah right! I'll let susan detail you her losing battles. I forget what show -- maybe more than one?

I saw Firefly once, but wasn't overly impressed. Maybe it had potential, but how were we to find out? Kind of like Wonderfalls. It could have sucked in a few months, but we'll never know. It also could have rocked. Maybe someone other than Fox will pick it up? I remember hearing about Lucky. What's-his-face was committed to it and couldn't sign on for the short-lived My Big Fat Greek Family (never saw it). His fate would have been the same either way.

Power to the people. Oh, wait. I'm off to a public meeting to voice my opinion on a project wherein all the decisions have already been made. Oh, wait again. All public meetings are that way. To a degree, I understand why. Committee work sucks. But so does a large project that my federal, state, and local tax dollars are funding that shouldn't need to be happening and that will totally suck when it's done. And I used to like bridges.
Firefly was Joss Whedon's short lived sci-fi western series after he got through with Buffy. I was just beginning to like it when they dropped it after one season.

Lucky is a similar story... originally created to fill the void left by The Shield on FX, it was a really funny comedy about a card player and his compulsive gambler girlfriend.

But hey, you aren't exactly powerless against this sort of thing. Like I mentioned before, Family Guy has risen from the grave thanks to immense interest. Wonderfalls probably has a much steeper uphill battle, but you can do your part here.

So I have the be the voice of mankind for another month? The PRESSURE! I'll hold out as long as I can, Daniel, but there are two of them... then again, I guess you were on your own until I got here, so now it's my turn...

Who were Firefly and Lucky?

What did I say just last week about Wonderfalls??

Daniel – next month? Ouch! Don’t you love us anymore?

Um, I do think the ultrasound techs are supposed to clean you up. Glad you got to enjoy it.

I don't work in corporate America. I'm a g-woman, an underpaid, overworked bureaucrat. Go me.

As for the car, maybe susan can corroborate how much I hate the godforsaken technologies that create them and the socio-cultural milleu that keeps us tied to them. I have owned Gertie for 3 years, and she is the only vehicle I’ve ever owned. I didn’t have a car in high school, or college, or most of graduate school. I am a HUGE proponent of public transportation as both a socially responsible idea and an environmentally and economically sound policy. And I’m still promised that our bus system should be up and partially running this spring. Woo-hoo! Atlanta’s public transport sucks, but I used it relatively regularly. When I lived in Eugene, we walked or rode the bus almost everywhere (well,everywherefor the first few years I lived there.) So basically, I’m not a car person and keep hoping that massive revolution will make them obsolete. I know this isn’t going to happen, but it’s the utopia in my head.

As for blaming the workforce in general, there is a degree of truth as I see it in there, but mostly it was venting. Unfortunately, I see a lack of respect for people who do what we now consider manual labor in the culture as a whole. I also see a lack of pride and responsibility in workers in general – drawing mainly on experiences with co-workers. Where I work now, there are some people who are very dedicated to what they do and doing it well. But no one works in history-related professions for the money, prestige, or sex, either. And there are others sitting it out, waiting for retirement. Those people make everyone else’s job more complicated, including mine. And I resent it. Part of this may be because I’ve been doing 1.5 jobs since December, and I HATE the other one. Long story, but it boils down to lack of committment and lack of competance on someone else’s part, as well as a screwed up lack of a merit system. Anyway, I love working with and talking to people who love or even like what they do. I wish there were more jobs like that. If people could be happy doing what they do for a living, 40 hours a week, wouldn’t we be happier as a society? The rest of that ranting was just that – ranting. I cannot tell you how much it freaked me out to have the back part of the window pop out of the track while I was doing 84mph on the highway!

As for things outside of automobiles, I think your concern, based on my posts, is valid. I think I have a good give-and-take relationship right now. It hasn’t always been that way. I think in general what I find frustrating is listening to friends (and seeing in tv or movies – I know this isn’t real, but it is sometimes symptomatic) and hearing an unwillingness to talk to whomever they are sleeping with about what they’re doing. I know it takes some time, but I also know there are things that he can tell me about what he likes, and things Ican tell him, that it would take a long time to figure out otherwise. And sometimes, you’re right, you just want to lay back and let the other person do all the work. But I think that applies to men, too, doesn’t it? If you let your s.o. explore, and give a thumbs up or down about what he or she discovers about your body, that lets both of you potentially learn something new, right? Anyway, I appreciate your comments, and will probably spend some time trying to see if there is truth in them in my personal life. Although I do like learning new things, especially about sex (you really should see my book collection!) I sometimes get lazy. Hmm.
My heart goes out to you guys... I'm still ticked about losing Firefly and Lucky...


06 April 2004

Oh, I'm sorry--I wasn't trying to imply that you were one of those types, I was merely surprised I was actually right about anything :)

(...and you're wrong about vanilla being superior to chocolate, I don't care if it is based in it, it's an improvement--but I will grant you there is no better flavor than the two mixed together)

I guess with the "get hitched" thing, I was mostly thinking get married to a rich guy. But even still, you get that tax thing, share expenses and income... assuming you don't blow $20,000 on your wedding like some people I know... but I've never been married, so I can't really talk.

The important thing is to like your job above all else, so if you're happy with it, stay with it.

This guy Morrissey... he talks to you and Susan often, doesn't he? He seems to have some sort of weird mind control over you guys... I would be careful about playing his records backwards... hey, did you guys see this movie called "24 Hour Party People" (http://movies.yahoo.com/shop?d=hv&cf=info&id=1807812144&intl=us) ? It was about the birth of New Wave and Raves and all that sort in Manchester... I didn't know enough about the history to get it all, but it was a good movie anyway...

Hey now. I've never been one of those "I'm right so of course you must be wrong" kind of people. (Although, Susan, vanilla is still a superior as a flavor to chocolate. Chocolate is more popular and more tasty, but it is based in vanilla, as are many other flavors, so vanilla wins.)

I didn't get my hour back, damn time and its cohorts all to hell. Or maybe to heaven, since Morrissey promised me and my friends a place in hell, and I don't want time.

I've contemplated organized crime, ND did just get into powerball or whatever and we do have casinos, so I guess those are still options. I'd have to move for the former -- or join a Canadian gang. Maybe I can be a prescription drug mule? D isn't an option. I'm another year from being full qualified in my field (2 years experience) and again, there are only 50 states. My field just doesn't pay all that well, but I like what I do. Last question: How will getting hitched help anything?
I was *right* about something? In the immortal words of Peter Griffin: "Holy freakin' CRAP!" I should retire before I ruin my perfect record.

Kate, how much did it cost you to get that hour back? Maybe you should have waited about six months or so and gotten a deal on it :)

Seriously, though--a lot of my friends are saddled with the student loan and I see how it makes many other things a lot more difficult--kinda like that whole job vs experience circle where you can't get a job without experience, and you can't get experience without a job. What sucks is that you're doing the right thing--trying to plan for the future, trying to manage your money. Looks like there's only four ways I can see out of your situation:

A) get hitched
B) turn to a life of organized crime
C) win the lottery
D) get a better paying job

Short of those, I guess you could stop having fun in all forms... or stop eating altogether... BTW, I hate to do this, but I'll need to collect the Blog Tax from you... 140 words x $0.35/word = $49.00 for your last post... will that be cash, check, or charge?

In other news, I only have one thing to say about last night's game (and you can quote me):

You know, I think Mark's right. Okay, I knew he was right last week or so when he said that the reason money matters is because it is an enabler -- without it, there are things you cannot do. It just sucks. I keep trying to work out a monthly budget -- basically to sit down, see where my money goes, and figure out how to put some of it in savings, some of it in retirement, and some of it in an account to eventually have a house down payment. But if you add any reasonable amount to each of those accounts, and then subtract those amounts from my paycheck, and then subtract rent, utilities, food, student loan payment, and a little for entertainment, you have nothing left. Nothing at all. In fact, entertainment gets nixed. How does that work again?

05 April 2004



03 April 2004

Wow. Turn your back for a second on these guys (girls) and you get left behind :)

I spent the first Friday night in some time just vegging out in front of the old 60". Got in touch with my inner ninja a bit, and also watched "Gothika". Good stuff, I should have gone to see it in the theatre. Gonna try to get some stuff done around the house today and later tonight Jenn and I are going to catch David Alan Grier at the Tampa Improv. Did I mention today is Jenn's B-day?

All I can say about genetic agriculture is that eventually we'll develop a food that will eat US.

You know, I went to a record five weddings in 2002 (would have been six but I missed one thanks to the Great Verizon Almost Strike). I was in the wedding party in three of them--one usher (my personal favorite--ugh), one standard issue groomsman, one Best Man (that was Bill's wedding, Kate). I have to threaten people to within an inch of their lives should they entertain the thought of making me an usher. My ushering career is over. That's THE crappiest job you can have at a wedding. The most stressful is definitely Best Man, but I've enjoyed both my runs at it, although I wish I had done better jobs on my speeches. But my favorite part of having gone to these weddings is that I've pretty much married off the guys that are closest to me--which is kinda cool. My sisters are another story, however--not like I'm one to talk--the Eternal Bachelor(tm) is back in the house! Sorry for the ramble, but weddings are one of those things I've grown to love, so long as I'm not the one getting married :)

Actually, that brings up something interesting I was told a couple weekends ago... this girl I had never met before told me I looked "ripe". Before you guys go nuts with the "why don't you shower more often?" jokes... what she meant was that I had the look of a guy who was ready to settle down... is that something women can tell by looking at a guy, becuase if I'm giving off that vibe, I'd like to know how.

I have not watched Wonderfalls, but I heard someone else talking about it. Hopefully it won't suffer the same fate as so many good shows before it.

I don't know about Danny, but I'm going to pass on the oral sex with pop rocks... as far the flavored powders/creams what not... are you guys trying to get eaten out or EATEN out?

02 April 2004

Yep, my Luv Slave is coming to visit. And yes, I consider it “long-term.” For the record, that does NOT mean I have or hope for that special ring! It means that it isn’t a fling and we’ll see where it goes. My mom’s known the age difference since before Christmas, mainly because she asked. I wasn’t planning on volunteering that information to her. You've always had dibs on bridesmaid, but that would require me getting married. Oh, and if I were to do the white-gowned ceremony, you do know I can't guarantee a color scheme of blue or grey for you, right? I was talking to my grad school roommate about that wedding planning show on TLC -- the one where your friends and family plan the deal? I want to plan your ultra-goth midnight, candlelit, organs playing Bach, white dress, red roses and bridesmaids in black wedding.

You didn’t coin mental masturbation. We stole it from somewhere. I remember reading it. Actually, I think the term was intellectual masturbation – when you get so high on your own ideas that you don’t need anyone else around. Liberal arts majors are never guilty of such hijinks.

Wonderfalls does rock. I watched the first episode as a whim, but enjoyed it. I don’t know that Thursday is the place for it to be, up against NBC’s lineup, and the fact that Fox moved it 3 episodes in kind of tells me they aren’t committed. Since it’s somewhat insightful, witty, and amusing, I’m sure it won’t last beyond a season. It will be one of those shows with a small cult following that is actually GOOD tv that therefore gets cancelled by the network. Maybe the net execs are afraid that one or two good shows will highlight the mediocrity of the rest of their lineups and jeopardize viewership? Gods forbid we get disgusted and turn off the television. How would we know what to buy? My favorite “clip” would have to be the fireworks that went off in the cute guy bartender’s eyes when Jaye tells him: “Your ex wife called when I was on your (cell) phone. I told her you were servicing me sexually. Was that inappropriate?”

I don’t know about you, but I’ve never connected Doritos flavor with sex. I did give you a product test conclusion: don’t buy body powders. I’m really tempted to get a mortar-and-pestle (want one anyway) and grind some fun dip up into fine powder and use that. That would be awesome. Or how about oral sex with pop rocks in your mouth? The cats really hate it if you get a mouthful of pop rocks and then open your mouth near their ears.

As for the GMOs, first off, they aren’t labeled. While some of them may be perfectly safe, I would like the option of including or excluding them from my diet. With your Olestra chips, you can choose to eat it or avoid it, because it’s listed on the packaging. Same with fake sugar. I’m fine with both. But if we can’t label things (too expensive according to opponents of that suggestion) then we can’t recall anything thought to be unsafe. It’s like meat problems – you can’t recall it if you can’t track it. My concerns stem from what is, in my opinion, inadequate research on the ramifications of gene splicing. But even further, why don’t we know what’s got GMO products in it and what doesn’t? If the companies using the GMO products are so afraid the public won’t buy the stuff, maybe that tells us something.

I’m having really X-rated thoughts on my childhood candy favorites right now....
Why do we honestly believe that we have the right (and might) to demand that everyone else in the world accede to our bottom line? And why do we keep believe the humanitarian claims of companies like Monsanto (also concerned only with their bottom line) potentially to the detriment of our society and environment?

For the record, when we pushed the EU to accept our irradiated beef, they refused. We took them to WTO court and won. Guess what? The EU's been paying the fine for the last 4 or so years rather than accept what they think is unworthy food. Good for them! Hurrah! They have abided by the decision of the court, but have chosen to stand their ground and pay the fine. I'm glad someone has backbone enough to stand by what they think.

(From the Institute for Agricultural Trade Policy):
The Bush Administration is attempting to overthrow the European Union's tough regulations on genetically engineered foods through a legal case at the World Trade Organization (WTO). Since 1998, the European Union (EU) has placed a moratorium on the introduction of new genetically engineered (GE) crops until it had in place legislation and a regulatory structure to evaluate human health and environmental risks of GE organisms. In May 2003, unwilling to wait for the adoption of the new legislation and regulatory structure by EU member states, the U.S. filed a complaint at the WTO asserting that the EU policy is illegal under international trade rules.
The repercussions of a successful U.S. challenge at the WTO could be huge. Over 87 countries around the world have signed onto the Biosafety Protocol, which guarantees the rights of member nations to take a precautionary approach in regulating genetically engineered organisms pursuant to the terms of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity. The U.S., which has not ratified the Biosafety treaty, is attempting to override the rights established in the Biosafety Protocol through its case at the World Trade Organization. If the U.S. wins its legal challenge at the WTO, it could diminish the rights of nations around the world to protect their environment and food production systems.
------------------end of quote------------------------------------------------------------------------

Remember the Mexican corn? The stuff crossed genetically with peanuts, that everyone allergic to peanuts was allergic to? So that someone with a peanut allergy who was calmly eating a corn tortilla ended up in the hospital? Good job!

My personal opinion is that we are screwing ourselves by planting and using GMO crops without adequate research on what the genetic contamination can/does mean for biodiversity, human health, and the environment in general. But even if you aren't particularly opposed to GMO food being grown, do we, as the United States of America, have the right to force anyone else to buy our scientifically-created, but potentially hazardous, food?
S – my guess is that he’d go for cocoa, although I do like the s’more mix they suggest. I'm dating a man who is more of a chocolate whore than most PMSing women.

I want glimmering soiree glamour! Well, actually, we don’t have soirees in the Midwest. Maybe in Chicago and Minneapolis, but not way the hell out here. Most folks getting dressed up for a night on the town put on their good jeans, a clean shirt, and the dress cowboy boots. Not joking. Myself, I’d pick the Gimlet. First of all, fantastic that they have such a flavor (1940s cocktails rise again!) and second, gotta love that citrus tang. I had some honey dust from Kama Sutra at one point – loved the cute feather duster (but come on, it tickles Way more than it arouses!) but the honey dust tasted, well, powdery. Not particularly good. Can’t really recommend it.

Did they have some anal lube for you? Actually, since it's a financial institution and you aren't going to enjoy it anyway, why not just be cheap and get the Crisco?

There has been a long-running debate about the roles of nature and nurture in creating ourselves. The interesting thing is that those whose genes you have are usually the ones who nurture you. I have to go with the middle of the road combination theory. There are aspects of my personality that feel and seem uniquely mine, that don’t relate at all to my family or my home environment. But there are many things that I can look at and say, okay, I do this in this manner because my mother or father did this other thing and I liked/hated it. So on and so forth. Just my opinion.

Am I the only blogger currently in a long-term relationship? Hmmm. Just curious. Well, interestingly enough, you will have your chance to meet him, susan. He’s coming to ATL in May with me. You will be at my mom’s b-day party, right? She told me she’d invited you, and she actually included your name on her list for invitations.

Anyway, on a “follow your dreams” kind of note, I have a friend who is working on a business plan to open her own store, which I think is incredibly cool. She’s in her early 30s and is a quilter, and the store will be a shop for people who quilt. I don’t, quilt that is, but tons of people out here do. It’s kind of a thing – you end up with a crafting hobby because leaving your house unnecessarily in the winter is discouraged by the meteorological milieu. So, anyway, it’s fantastically cool to watch someone get all excited about doing something she’s always wanted to do. Sometimes, I even feel like that about my job.

Mark, is your sister just not long-winded enough to blog? Or did she end up a quieter person because you never let her get a word in edgewise (nurture!!!)? Long live the filibuster! All hands on for mental masturbation! (I wish I could remember who said that.)

01 April 2004

Yeah, I'm pretty much of the opinion that biology most definitely does NOT dictate who your "family" really is. However, what I find disturbing about myself is that sometimes I will bend over backwards to help friends to a degree that oftentimes, I don't even extend to my own family. I find myself more comfortable being with families other than my own a lot of the time. Sad stuff, really, when you think about it. But I grow wiser as I grow older--mistakes have been and will be corrected.

Y'know, Susan, GTE Federal Credit Union didn't exactly come through for me, either, when I bought my first car four years ago. They were offering as low as 6.4% for a new car, but they could only offer me 8.4%. Granted I hadn't bought a house or a car before then, but I had credit cards for two years and never carried a balance AND I worked for the parent company... I ended up going through my dad's credit union (Central Florida Postal in Orlando) for my car loan. Jeez. BTW, don't they charge you extra for the ass-rape? Oh, and forget about batting those eyelashes... flash the service piece if you want results.

Never give up, Susan. No matter what. I think if you give up on your hopes and dreams, what other reason is there to live? Doesn't mean it will necessarily turn out your way, but I think you gotta at least keep a minimum 5% hope that it will. For me, life is at its best while I have lots of things going on AND lots of things to look forward to in the future. Barring that, if nothing is currently going on, it's good to have things to look forward to. Now when nothing is going on AND I have nothing to look forward to, it's time to spend all week in front of the TV, only getting up to use the bathroom once in awhile.

Hey Danny, feel free to get back in the game... think the girls will quickly tire of listening to me prattle on about "KEEP HOPE ALIVE!!!" and related things...

So I found out yesterday that Jenn has indeed been reading this blog... I saw her comment down there also. This is how it starts--next thing you know, we'll have our own reality TV show.

Hey Susan--where do they keep the Fried Chicken flavor of body powder?